Final Presentations


  • Thank you Nick, Beth, Beth, Paula & Margaret for hosting us this semester!
  • Presentations are being video recorded and will be posted to the individual team pages


  1. Civil War Flags NFC Tour – Matthew Cherry
  2. Pretty Big Things Scavenger Hunt – Meena Selvanathan, Kerrin McLaughlin, Ric Selleck
  3. Pretty Big Timeline – Sam Mills
  4. Trunks from Ellis Island – Juhi Kapadia
  5. Civil War Soldier Map – Brooks Backinoff, Yuki Takahashi
  6. Phonograph: A History – Kristen Cascante
  7. Nipper the Dog and Other Advertising Icons – Amanda Vuocolo
  8. Civil War Flags Interactive Map – Shay Vachhani
  9. Horse Carriage in Motion – Jessica Goldbach
  10. Grandfather Clocks Augmented Reality Video – Chris Flannery
  11. Elsie the Cow Augmented Reality Interactive – Edward Reinke
  12. Civil War Soldier Augmented Reality Stories – Kathleen Fox, Erin Kraemer

Open Discussion


  • Kelly Krumenacker’s BCCM presentation
  • Next week – Dry run project demonstrations with Emily Croll
  • Next week – 2nd Exhibit Critique due
  • 12/9, 8:00-10:50 – Final Presentations, tentatively scheduled to take place in the STEAM lab at the NJSM

Project Status

Let’s take a few minutes to review the status of each of your projects.


  • Bring your project pages up to date with your latest vision documents, concept art, wireframes, screen shots, and prototypes.
  • Create an outline for your demo/presentation making sure to include:
    • your primary audience
    • the object(s) you’re interpreting
    • the story you’re telling to enhance the interpretation
    • the interactivity you’re facilitating and why
    • run through one user story for your demo
    • present what next steps would be required to implement a production-quality release of your project

Open Discussion

  • Continue working on your projects
  • Engage your classmates with any questions or if you’d like feedback on your design decisions


2nd Exhibit Critique

Please complete your second exhibit critique using this template as a guide. You may use the Bucks County Children’s Museum, the Sarnoff Innovation Video Game exhibit, A Palette of Pixels or any other exhibition you have recently visited as your subject.


  • Continue developing your prototypes
  • With your team, practice your presentation based on your vision document and the outline you created above as a framework for your dry run prototype demonstration for next week

Bucks County Children’s Museum


  • Digital Experience Designer job posting – courtesy of Emily Croll
  • We’re meeting at AIMM 222 @ 8:30
  • We’ll leave for the BCCM promptly at 8:45
  • Kelly Krumenacker, Executive Director of the Museum will meet us at the museum at 9:15
  • Bring change, the parking lot is metered

Bucks County Children’s Museum


Google Map




Kelly’s Presentation

  • 8:30 – Meet at AIMM 222
  • 8:45 – Depart for museum
  • 9:15 – Arrive at museum
  • 9:30 – Kelly Krumenaker, the museum’s Executive Director, will present about the museum
  • 10:15 – Kelly will give us a tour of the museum
  • 11:30 – Depart for TCNJ, those interested may accompany me to Prof. Kuiphoff’s house in Stockton, NJ for a demo of his X-Carve 3D cutter




  • Continue developing your projects
  • Let me know if I can help in any way

Design Notebooks (Individually)

  • Create a new slide for your Design Notebook and title it “Progress report for ” and today’s date
  • Write a brief status update on your progress with your project
  • What have you accomplished to date?
  • What do you have left to complete?

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (MCN Conference), including a link to your Design Notebook.

MCN Conference


  • Professor Thompson presenting with Emily Croll at MCN 2015 Conference this Friday, 11/6/15
  • Professor Kuiphoff will be available for consultation about your projects in 206 from 11:00 on Friday. 11/6/15



  • Continue developing your prototypes
  • Start with the biggest unknowns and go from there, creating smaller prototypes to proof out what you want to do
  • Break big problems into smaller ones and address them one at a time
  • Divide the workload up among your team mates

Design Notebooks

  • Individually, create a new page in each of your Design Notebooks and title it “11/6/15”
  • Write a brief paragraph documenting your progress with your prototype this week
  • Write a bullet point list of your goals for next week

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (MCN Conference), including a link to your Design Notebook.

Exhibition Critiques


Exhibition Critiques

Let’s review your exhibition critiques!

Project Workshop

Today we’ll be breaking up into our groups and working on our projects.


Design Notebooks

  • Continue working on your project individually or with your team if you have one
  • Individually (in each of your own Design Notebooks), create a new page in your design notebook and title it with today’s date
  • Write a brief paragraph outlining your team’s project goals for this week
  • Come to class next week prepared to present your progress, what your goals were and whether or not you were able to achieve them

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Exhibition Critiques), including a link to your Design Notebook.

1st Field Trip – Princeton University Art Museum


  • Princeton University Art Museum today
  • Study hours at the NJSM next week
  • Team pages need to go live today for NJSM partners to review
  • 1st exhibit critiques are due next week

Team Project Pages

Let’s take a few minutes to finish setting up your team pages.

  • In addition to the title for you page, which should be your project name, please create two sections to your page, using H2s for each section header.
  • Section 1 should be “Team” and list your team members including name and email address.
  • Section 2 should  be “Concept” and include a link to your concept Google Presentation from last week.

Princeton Art Museum

While at the museum, please complete one of the Self-guided tours.


Questions Study Sessions at the NJSM

Before you arrive for your study session at the NJSM, prepare your list of questions you need to research during your visit.

1st Exhibition Critique

Please complete your first exhibit critique using this template as a guide. You may use the NJSM, the Princeton Art Museum, A Palette of Pixels or any other exhibition you have recently visited as your subject.



Vision Documents


Individual Vision Documents

Let’s go around the room and present our revised individual Vision Documents.

Group Vision Documents


Let’s break up into our teams and create a unified Vision Document for each team.

Be sure to include:

  • A team member list, along with specific roles
  • A description of the general project concept
  • A description of your target audience(s) and how your concept will help overcome specific hurdles to accessing and understanding the exhibits you’re addressing; i.e. a timeline helps clarify the chronology of events and how different items relate to each other, an interactive map does the same in the spatial dimension, a gamified tour helps teachers motivate students to visit more exhibits and engage with them more deeply
  • Identify and justify your technology and architecture choices


Teams present your unified project concepts to Emily Croll.


Vison Documents

  • Together with your team, refine your Vision Document based on the feedback your received in class from Emily Croll, your classmates and me
  • Add a link to your Vision Document on your team’s project page


  • Begin developing your projects
  • Start by sketching out your user experience and identifying the content elements you’ll need to develop
  • Organize your team according to skill set and divide your workload accordingly

Games & Gamification


Vision Documents

Let’s go around the room and review your Vision Documents.

Games & Gamification

What is Gamification?


Game Elements

Rock Paper Scissors – what are the game elements in Rock-Paper-Scissors?

  • Space: ?
  • Components: ?
  • Mechanics: ?
  • Rules: ?

Other Elements

(Which type of motivation do they leverage? Intrinsic or extrinsic?)

  • Points
  • Progress Bars
  • Leader Boards
  • Levels
  • Badges



Let’s earn our first OpenBadges:

  • Head over to OpenBadges to set up your backpack
  • Now work through the OpenBadges Quickstart example
  • Now take a look at some of the other organizations using OpenBadges
  • Consider the NJSM map linked to above
  • On paper, come up with a structural gamification badging system that would motivate school kids to visit all the exhibition spaces over the course of a semester. Think about how you could use badges, levels and progress bars to motivate them.
Issuing OpenBadges

How to Issue OpenBadges

Progress Bars


Let’s build a progress bar using Bootstrap, JQuery & HTML5 Local Storage:


Vision Document

  • Refine your Vision Document based on today’s discussion
  • Come prepared to present your Vision Document in class next week

NJSM Study Time Signup

  • Head over to the signup doodle and sign up for one two hour block

Natural User Interfaces


  • Project Vision Statements due in 2 weeks (Friday, Oct. 16)
  • Sign up sheets for working with the NJSM collection files will be posted next week
  • Connected Worlds
  • Dickie Cox guest speaking this week!

Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review some of your Design Notebooks for this week.

Natural User Interfaces

According to Wikipedia

“…a user interface that is (1) effectively invisible, or becomes invisible with successive learned interactions, to its users, and (2) is based on nature or natural elements”

NUI in the news

Types of NUIs

NUIs (Natural User Interfaces) are generally divided into several categories:

  • Multi-touch interfaces
  • Gestural Interfaces
  • Speech interfaces
  • Physical Object interfaces


Making a Multi-touch Screen


Microsoft’s NUI Lab

Remotes & Smart Phones
Depth Cameras

Kinect = Microsoft software + PrimeSense Hardware

PrimeSense open sourced Interface and middleware libraries

Adafruit Bounty + Josh Blake’s OpenKinect

Alternative Depth Cameras

Kinect + Processing Demo


Physical Object Sensors

      • Thread
      • Paint
      • Fruits & Veggies
      • Water
      • Playdough

MakeyMakey Demo

Touchboard Demo

Hover Demo

Choosing your implementation options

– Who’s your audience?

  • Are you providing the interface (kiosk, installation, loaner device, etc)? Or are they providing their own (cell phone, tablet, desktop, etc)?
  • Diffusion of Innovation curve
  • Gartner Hype Cycle
  • Analytics (like Google Analytics, or tallies by security staff)

– What are the characteristics of the exhibition space?

  • Wifi
  • Interference
  • Lighting

– What’s easiest, least invasive, least effort for your users (how can you make the technology “disappear”)?

– What’s simplest to implement?

– What is most maintainable/durable?

– What fits in your budget


  • Break up into 3 or 4 groups
  • Using Scratch or another program of your choice, create an interactive piece that maps the space bar, arrow keys and click events to navigating some content.
  • After you’ve created the content and mapped the keyboard events, create touch pads using tin foil or other conductive material for users to use to navigate your app
  • Hook up the MakeyMakey to test it out


Vision Document

  • Begin thinking about your project concept in earnest
  • Review the Vision Document Template and start filling out the sections based on your interests at the NJSM and with the technology trends thus far in the class
  • Come prepared next week to share your project concept in more detail

Games and Gamification

  • Read “Games and Gamification” in the NMC Horizon Report: Museum Edition 2015 pp. 38-39
  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Games & Gamification”
  • Write a brief paragraph defining gamification in your own words, and then list your favorite examples of games and gamification from the reading

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Augmented Reality), including a link to your Design Notebook.

Augmented Reality


Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review some of your design notebooks.

Sarnoff Collection

Let’s tour the collection and review some exhibits from previous classes.

Augmented Reality

What is Augmented Reality?

Reality ———-> AR ———-> Virtual Reality


  • Feature Recognition – markers, QR codes, images, colors, etc.
  • Positioning Data – location, orientation
  • What kinds of devices have cameras, GPS & accelerometers?

Augmented Reality & the Web

WC3 Augmented Reality Group

Why use it in Museums?

  • In exhibition space – provide additional levels of interpretation
  • Outside the exhibition space – extend exhibition reach and provide additional levels of interpretation for digital/print exhibit media

Some AR Toolkit Options

*Appcelerator fans might be interested in this

This is great stuff


  • Break up into teams of 3 or 4
  • Head over to the Aurasma website and signup
  • Using Aurasma Studio, create a a new Aura
  • The follow the instructions to create a demo AR app
  • Use photos or images from the Sarnoff Collection to create your demos


Natural User Interfaces

  • Read the 2012 NMC Horizon Report pp. 31-35
  • Create a new page in your Design Notebook with the heading “Natural User Interfaces”
  • Take a look at some of the examples of natural user interfaces currently used in museums on pp. 33 & 34 of the Horizon Report and write a paragraph about your favorite example.
  • Can you find any other examples of the “Natural User Interfaces” being used “in the wild”?  Jot down a brief description & a link to what you find in your Design Notebook.

NJSM Cultural Heritage Collection

  • Create a new page in your Design Notebook and title it “Project Story ideas”
  • Read “On Objects and Storytelling”
  • Review your notes from our two visits to the NJSM, the Pretty Big Things and Civil War Flags collection pages, the exhibition panels listed on the syllabus
  • Write out three story ideas you think would be compelling for patrons of the NJSM – just a sentence describing the story – you can share more details in class next week

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Augmented Reality), including a link to your Design Notebook.