Open Discussion


  • Kelly Krumenacker’s BCCM presentation
  • Next week – Dry run project demonstrations with Emily Croll
  • Next week – 2nd Exhibit Critique due
  • 12/9, 8:00-10:50 – Final Presentations, tentatively scheduled to take place in the STEAM lab at the NJSM

Project Status

Let’s take a few minutes to review the status of each of your projects.


  • Bring your project pages up to date with your latest vision documents, concept art, wireframes, screen shots, and prototypes.
  • Create an outline for your demo/presentation making sure to include:
    • your primary audience
    • the object(s) you’re interpreting
    • the story you’re telling to enhance the interpretation
    • the interactivity you’re facilitating and why
    • run through one user story for your demo
    • present what next steps would be required to implement a production-quality release of your project

Open Discussion

  • Continue working on your projects
  • Engage your classmates with any questions or if you’d like feedback on your design decisions


2nd Exhibit Critique

Please complete your second exhibit critique using this template as a guide. You may use the Bucks County Children’s Museum, the Sarnoff Innovation Video Game exhibit, A Palette of Pixels or any other exhibition you have recently visited as your subject.


  • Continue developing your prototypes
  • With your team, practice your presentation based on your vision document and the outline you created above as a framework for your dry run prototype demonstration for next week

Bucks County Children’s Museum


  • Digital Experience Designer job posting – courtesy of Emily Croll
  • We’re meeting at AIMM 222 @ 8:30
  • We’ll leave for the BCCM promptly at 8:45
  • Kelly Krumenacker, Executive Director of the Museum will meet us at the museum at 9:15
  • Bring change, the parking lot is metered

Bucks County Children’s Museum


Google Map




Kelly’s Presentation

  • 8:30 – Meet at AIMM 222
  • 8:45 – Depart for museum
  • 9:15 – Arrive at museum
  • 9:30 – Kelly Krumenaker, the museum’s Executive Director, will present about the museum
  • 10:15 – Kelly will give us a tour of the museum
  • 11:30 – Depart for TCNJ, those interested may accompany me to Prof. Kuiphoff’s house in Stockton, NJ for a demo of his X-Carve 3D cutter




  • Continue developing your projects
  • Let me know if I can help in any way

Design Notebooks (Individually)

  • Create a new slide for your Design Notebook and title it “Progress report for ” and today’s date
  • Write a brief status update on your progress with your project
  • What have you accomplished to date?
  • What do you have left to complete?

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (MCN Conference), including a link to your Design Notebook.

MCN Conference


  • Professor Thompson presenting with Emily Croll at MCN 2015 Conference this Friday, 11/6/15
  • Professor Kuiphoff will be available for consultation about your projects in 206 from 11:00 on Friday. 11/6/15



  • Continue developing your prototypes
  • Start with the biggest unknowns and go from there, creating smaller prototypes to proof out what you want to do
  • Break big problems into smaller ones and address them one at a time
  • Divide the workload up among your team mates

Design Notebooks

  • Individually, create a new page in each of your Design Notebooks and title it “11/6/15”
  • Write a brief paragraph documenting your progress with your prototype this week
  • Write a bullet point list of your goals for next week

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (MCN Conference), including a link to your Design Notebook.