MCN Conference


  • Professor Thompson presenting with Emily Croll at MCN 2015 Conference this Friday, 11/6/15
  • Professor Kuiphoff will be available for consultation about your projects in 206 from 11:00 on Friday. 11/6/15



  • Continue developing your prototypes
  • Start with the biggest unknowns and go from there, creating smaller prototypes to proof out what you want to do
  • Break big problems into smaller ones and address them one at a time
  • Divide the workload up among your team mates

Design Notebooks

  • Individually, create a new page in each of your Design Notebooks and title it “11/6/15”
  • Write a brief paragraph documenting your progress with your prototype this week
  • Write a bullet point list of your goals for next week

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (MCN Conference), including a link to your Design Notebook.

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