- Next week – prep for show
- Vision Documents due on 12/11
- Final Exam date – 12/11 8:00-10:50
Design Notebooks
Let’s take a few minutes to review your design notebooks.
Unique Qualifications
Let’s review the project canvas.
Problem & Existing Alternatives
Customer Segments & Early Adopters (Target Audience)
Unique Value Proposition & High Level Concept
Revenue Streams – what’s in it for you?
Cost Structure – what equipment/software/materials/services do you need and how much will they cost?
Key Metrics of Success
- Unfair Advantage
Why are you uniquely qualified to create your project?
What interests, experiences and skills give you a unique perspective from which you can approach your stated problem?
Your experiences here at IMM are certainly an unfair advantage – the classes, faculty, staff and your fellow student – as is the council and support of your friends and family. What else can you think of? Internships? Jobs? Summer camps?
- Take a few minutes to make a list of your unique interests, experiences and skills.
- Update your project canvas with your list.
What You’ll Need for the Show
- Project Slide for Senior Slideshow
- Completed Project Canvas
- The ability to clearly speak about your project concept in terms of the canvas
- Prototype artifacts to demonstrate your concept (any of the following)
- Sketches/Concept Art
- User Personas/User Stories
- Diagrams
- Paper Prototype(s)
- Business Cards/Contact Info
- A means of capturing feedback (questionnaires, forms, etc.)
Begin collecting all the elements you need for the show:
- Create an inventory of what you have completed and what you need to finish up.
- Make a todo list for completing your inventory
Individual Progress Meetings
While you continue prepping your materials for the show, I’ll come around individually to discuss your projects.
- Continue completing the artifacts you’ll need for the show.
Vision Documents
- Begin thinking about how you would write up a narrative version of your canvas. I’ll provide a template next week for you to follow.