Final Preparations for Show


  • Course Assessments in PAWS
  • AIMM After Dark Show this Friday, 5:00-9:00
  • Vision Documents due a week from this Friday, 12/11 at 9:00

AIMM After Dark Logistics


You Need

  1. Project Slide for Senior Slideshow
  2. Completed Project Canvas
  3. The ability to clearly speak about your project concept in terms of the canvas
  4. Prototype artifacts to demonstrate your concept (any of the following)
    • Sketches/Concept Art/Storyboards
    • User Personas/User Stories
    • Diagrams
    • Paper Prototype(s)
    • Video demos
  5. Business Cards/Contact Info
  6. A means of capturing feedback (questionnaires, forms, etc.)

Specs & Drop Locations


  • Finalize your slides & post them to the shared drive
  • Finalize your equipment requirements & post them to the spreadsheet
  • Format your videos according to the spec & post it to the shared drive


  • Continue developing your project artifacts in support of your show presentation


  • Don’t forget your Vision Document for next week’s Final Exam date, Friday 12/11, 9:00 – 11:50
  • Use this template

Prep for Show


  • Next week – continue prepping for show
  • Dec 4 – AIMM After Dark
  • Final Exam – 12/11 8:00 – 10:50

Vision Documents

Senior Thesis Vision Document template

Prep for Show

You Need:

  1. Project Slide for Senior Slideshow (post it here on Google Drive)
  2. Completed Project Canvas
  3. The ability to clearly speak about your project concept in terms of the canvas
  4. Prototype artifacts to demonstrate your concept (any of the following)
    • Sketches/Concept Art
    • User Personas/User Stories
    • Diagrams
    • Paper Prototype(s)
  5. Business Cards/Contact Info
  6. A means of capturing feedback (questionnaires, forms, etc.)


Try to decompress & enjoy Thanksgiving! We’ll use class next week for finishing touches on your project artifacts for the show.

Unique Qualifications


  • Next week – prep for show
  • Vision Documents due on 12/11
  • Final Exam date – 12/11 8:00-10:50


Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review your design notebooks.

Unique Qualifications

Let’s review the project canvas.

  1. Problem & Existing Alternatives
  2. Customer Segments & Early Adopters (Target Audience)
  3. Unique Value Proposition & High Level Concept
  4. Solution
  5. Channels
  6. Revenue Streams – what’s in it for you?
  7. Cost Structure – what equipment/software/materials/services do you need and how much will they cost?
  8. Key Metrics of Success
  9. Unfair Advantage

Why are you uniquely qualified to create your project?

What interests, experiences and skills give you a unique perspective from which you can approach your stated problem?

Your experiences here at IMM are certainly an unfair advantage – the classes, faculty, staff and your fellow student – as is the council and support of your friends and family. What else can you think of? Internships? Jobs? Summer camps?


  • Take a few minutes to make a list of your unique interests, experiences and skills.
  • Update your project canvas with your list.

What You’ll Need for the Show

  1. Project Slide for Senior Slideshow
  2. Completed Project Canvas
  3. The ability to clearly speak about your project concept in terms of the canvas
  4. Prototype artifacts to demonstrate your concept (any of the following)
    • Sketches/Concept Art
    • User Personas/User Stories
    • Diagrams
    • Paper Prototype(s)
  5. Business Cards/Contact Info
  6. A means of capturing feedback (questionnaires, forms, etc.)


Begin collecting all the elements you need for the show:

  • Create an inventory of what you have completed and what you need to finish up.
  • Make a todo list for completing your inventory

Individual Progress Meetings

While you continue prepping your materials for the show, I’ll come around individually to discuss your projects.



  • Continue completing the artifacts you’ll need for the show.

Vision Documents

  • Begin thinking about how you would write up a narrative version of your canvas. I’ll provide a template next week for you to follow.

Key Metrics



Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review your Design Notebooks/Projects.

Winter Show

Let’s envision what we want our Winter Show to be like:

  • What would you like to show?
  • How would you like to show it?
  • Who do you want to see it?
  • Why?

What about atmosphere?

  • Should there be food?
  • Should there be music?
  • What else?

Key Metrics of Success

Let’s review the project canvas.

  1. Problem & Existing Alternatives
  2. Customer Segments & Early Adopters (Target Audience)
  3. Unique Value Proposition & High Level Concept
  4. Solution
  5. Channels
  6. Revenue Streams – what’s in it for you?
  7. Cost Structure – what equipment/software/materials/services do you need and how much will they cost?
  8. Key Metrics of Success
  9. Unfair Advantage

What’s a key metric (aka KPI)?

A key performance indicator (KPI) is a metric that helps you understand how you are doing against your objectives.

Web Analytics 2.0

Top 5 Google Analytics KPIs


Let’s go around the room and identify a number of KPIs for each of your projects.



  • Continue prototyping your projects. Pick the biggest unknown and try to create a small prototype to eliminate the unknowns.

Project Canvas

  • Identify 3 key metrics that you’ll use to measure the success of your project. It could be the number of business cards requested by visitors to the show, number of interviews lined up as a result of your demonstration, etc. Just make sure it’s a ratio and that it’s something you can (and will) measure online or at the show.
  • Update your project canvas with your key metrics of success.

Design Notebooks

  • Create a new slide and label it “Progress for ” and today’s date.
  • Write a brief paragraph on your progress this week.
  • Identify the biggest unknown for your project and write a sentence or two about a small prototype you could make that will eliminate that unknown.

Dust or Magic?


  • We’re attending Dust or Magic today, 9:00-11:30

Dust or Magic


Design Notebook

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and label it “Winter Show Suggestions”
  • Write a brief paragraph about what you would like to see at this semester’s winter show. How should we present it? Who should we invite? What would you like to get out of it?
  • Create another slide in your Design Notebook and title it with today’s date.
  • Write a brief synopsis of your progress this and last week, including links to your project canvas and prototypes

Project Canvas

Please update your project canvas if you’re not quite up to date. You should have info for:

  • Problem & Existing Alternatives
  • Customer Segments & Early Adopters
  • Unique Value Proposition & High Level Concept
  • Solution
  • Channels
  • Revenue Streams (or What’s in it for you)
  • Cost Structure ( or what hardware, software, services, printing, subscriptions, etc you need for your project)


  • Continue developing your project, prototyping the parts that are most uncertain in order to eliminate the unkowns

Submitting Your Work

Please post a link to your Design Notebook as a comment to this page before class next Tuesday, 11/10/15.