Digitally Fabricated Hands

Project Name- Hands

Team Members- Gin

Project Overview- To create digitally fabricated hands for NJSM. The hands should accurately display the holding of various museum objects and should also make use of our digital fabrication tools to make them more professional quality and faster.

Project Vision Document-

Final Presentation


Behind The Pen: Listening In On Historic Documents

Project Overview
In the narrow hallway of the museum, specific treaties or contracts put together by the settlers and/or Native Americans can have audio files tied to them – namely, what one side and/or the other was saying and thinking as they put it together. Having the opportunity to get a sense of both sides’ subtext and true motives, beyond the fluff on the paper, will creatively and deeply engage guests in the politics and stakes of the era.

Team Members
Vincent Giacalone

Israel Dominguez (voice work)


Project Vision Document 

Aurasma Trigger Image

Aurasma Guide For Museum Guests


Images of Documents

Incredibly detailed essay/outline of Walking Purchase

Johan Printz bio

1st Museum Visit – Princeton Art Museum


  • Brown Bag Lunch Today, 12:30 in Mayo Hall
  • 1st Exhibition Critique due next Friday
  • Visiting the Princeton Art Museum today!

Project Status

Let’s take some time to go around the room and talk about your experiences at the NJSM this week and where you are with your projects.


Together with your team mates, take a few minutes to update and refine your project page on this blog. Ensure that you have five sections to your page:

  • Project Name
  • Team members & roles
  • Project Overview
  • Project Vision Document (with a link to your vision document)
  • Research (links to your notes, drawings, photos etc, that you took at the NJSM this week

Princeton Art Museum

Let’s prepare to head over to the Princeton Art Museum where we’ll complete one of their Artful Adventure Self-Guided tours.


Please complete your first exhibit critique using this template as a guide. You may use the NJSM, the Princeton Art Museum, The Sarnoff Collection, or any other exhibition you have recently visited as your subject.

Interactive Story Experience

The Team

Nick Parr – Twine Development

Malakye Otey – Front End Development

Project Overview

We intend to create an interactive experience where users will be able to go through the story leading up to the creation of a particular object in one of the museum exhibits. By creating a front end for these stories, we hope to extend this experience into a hub that can hold more experiences and be expanded at will.

Project Vision Document


Projectile Point Information:

Projectile Locations:

Tools Used:





We have set up a mock up using twine (note it is far from finished)

 Final Presentation


Presentation: here




Origin of Object Map

  • Project Overview:

My project is a mobile platform that will use QR codes to show the location of specific objects in the collection on a GPS map like google maps in order for patrons to get a better understanding of where exactly these objects originated from and have them represented visually.

  • Team Members:

I will be working on this project on my own.

  • Vision Document:

  • Research:

  • Final Presentation:

PowerPoint Presentation:

Link to web pages:



The Journey of Objects


Israel Dominguez

IMM 470-01 Fall 2016

Project Overview

For my project I plan to provided more information and history of an object. I hope to explain how objects were made back in the day and potentially discuss where it has been and how it eventually was brought into the NJ State Museum. The problem i’m focusing on to to help place more information about the object without taking up to much space. With the help of Aurasma visitors will be able to use their own phone to scan a piece of image or object on display and then they will be directed towards a visual,video,audio or text explaining the background of an object

Team Members

Israel Dominguez

Vincent Giacalone- voice work

Vision Statement

Vision Statement Document

Final Presentation


Poster for Visitors



What is Aurasma?





NJ Trade Routes Interactive Map

NJ Trade Routes Interactive Map

Team Members:
Dustin Guillemin – Backend Developer
Mike Martin – Content and User Interface

Project Overview:

We are looking to create an interactive map that shows the trade between the Native Americans and Europeans in NJ. We will be highlighting certain objects in the museum and showing off where they originated from.

Vision Document:

Research & Progress:

Final Presentation:



Project Vision Documents


Vision Documents

Individual Vision Documents

Let’s go around the room and present our revised individual Vision Documents.

Group Vision Documents


Let’s break up into our teams and create a unified Vision Document for each team.

Be sure to include:

  • A team member list, along with specific roles
  • A description of the general project concept
  • A description of your target audience(s) and how your concept will help overcome specific hurdles to accessing and understanding the exhibits you’re addressing; i.e. a timeline helps clarify the chronology of events and how different items relate to each other, an interactive map does the same in the spatial dimension, a gamified tour helps teachers motivate students to visit more exhibits and engage with them more deeply
  • Identify and justify your technology and architecture choices

Team Project Pages

Let’s create team pages on the blog for you to post your Vision Documents and project artifacts over the remainder of the semester.

Guest Speaker: Barry Joseph, AMNH

Barry is Skyping in from the American Museum of Natural History. Let’s give him a warm welcome and ask a lot of questions.


Write out two questions for Barry.


Vison Documents

  • Together with your team, refine your Vision Document based on the feedback your received in class, your classmates and me
  • Add a link to your Vision Document on your team’s project page


  • Begin developing your projects
  • Start by sketching out your user experience and identifying the content elements you’ll need to develop
  • Organize your team according to skill set and divide your workload accordingly
  • Update your team project pages on the blog with your team member names & roles and add links to your UI sketches and content descriptions

Room 202

This room can be accessed by any student on campus. The room is open 24/7 as long as you are in the building by 8:00pm otherwise you will be locked out of the building. The computers offers many Adobe and Autodesk programs. The computers also comes with all Microsoft Office programs. Room 202 is the biggest computer lab in the building and one of the only rooms that is carpeted.