AIMM 216 Equipment Cage

This room is where all the advanced equipment is stored.  You can ask the people working there and they will allow you to sign out equipment such as cameras and sound equipment. Not only is it one of the locations on campus to sign out audio/video equipment, it also has physical computing kits in order to solder materials and test equipment.  Just be certain to return the borrowed equipment on time.

Room 217: Photo Processing

A really long time ago (probably only, like, five months, but who’s counting), a toner cartridge darker than anything you can imagine lay hidden at the bottom of some dusty, forgotten plastic shelf…quiet. Undisturbed. Then someone screwed it all up because they needed it for a project they’d procrastinated on, and the darkness escaped. The whole room was enveloped into a shadow even darker than the prospect of there not being any construction on campus anytime soon, and shadow ghosts came out and stuff. It was bad. Very bad. Don’t go in there.

Okay, you can if you want to, ’cause for all I know the ghosts might actually be perfectly well-meaning citizens, but that’s just what they told me to say. I’m in legal. I’m not supposed to be writing horror stories. Who am I? What has my life become? Why are you still reading this? Just look at the room and be scared so I don’t get fired…


The U-lab lab is exclusive to Interactive Multimedia majors. The IMM U-Lab is an integral working space within the department. This is a space for students to socialize, relax, and get assignments done without the pressure of an academic space. There are bean-bag chairs, couches, and gaming consoles available to all Interactive Multimedia students at all hours of the day. It offers computers complete with all available programs for students to access, especially when all other computer labs are occupied. There is also a microwave and refrigerator to store and heat up your lunch. There is ample access to electrical outlets for charging your various devices all around the room as well. Without this space, the Interactive Multimedia department would be forever incomplete.

IMM Lighting Lab 204

You can use this room to film and photograph in optimal lighting.  You can also use the sheets of paper to create backdrops or even green screens. If you are just doing a quick shoot and no one is using the lab already you can just head in and start shooting.  If you plan on making use of the lab for an extended time you can reserve the lab for a set amount of time by heading over and asking the people in the cage.

Games & Gamification


  • Underground Sound
  • Project Vision Documents due next week
  • NJSM study session sign up doodle coming next week

Vision Documents

Let’s go around the room and review your Vision Documents.

Scavenger Hunts


IMM WordPress QR Code Scavenger Hunt

  • Divide into groups of 2 or so representing four tracks at IMM (e.g. music, games/programming, video/animation, and physical computing/digital fabrication)
  • Log into the class blog using your team account and create a post for each room in AIMM that’s significant for your IMM track
  • Create a category for your track and assign all your posts to that category
  • Go to and create QR Codes for each of your posts
  • Print, cut out & place QRCodes around the AIMM building at your chosen track locations
  • Fire up your QRCode Reader and take your creation for a test drive
  • How could you tweak it to make it better?

Games & Gamification

What is Gamification?


Game Elements

Rock Paper Scissors – what are the game elements in Rock-Paper-Scissors?

  • Space: ?
  • Components: ?
  • Mechanics: ?
  • Rules: ?

Other Elements

(Which type of motivation do they leverage? Intrinsic or extrinsic?)

  • Points
  • Progress Bars
  • Leader Boards
  • Levels
  • Badges



Let’s earn our first OpenBadges:

  • Head over to OpenBadges to set up your backpack
  • Now work through the OpenBadges Quickstart example
  • Now take a look at some of the other organizations using OpenBadges
  • Consider the NJSM map linked to above
  • On paper, come up with a structural gamification badging system that would motivate school kids to visit all the exhibition spaces over the course of a semester. Think about how you could use badges, levels and progress bars to motivate them.

How to Issue OpenBadges

Progress Bars


Let’s build a progress bar using Bootstrap, JQuery & HTML5 Local Storage:


Vision Document

  • Refine your Vision Document based on today’s discussion
  • Post your Vision Document to Canvas and come prepared to present your Vision Document in class next week

Natural User Interfaces


  • Project Vision Statements due in 2 weeks (Friday, Oct. 21)
  • Time slot sign up sheets for working with the NJSM collection will be posted next week
  • Google Daydream
  • Google Pixel

Augmented Reality Revisited

Aurasma Exercise

  • Break up into teams of 2, 3 or 4
  • Head over to the Aurasma website and signup
  • Using Aurasma Studio, create a a new Aura
  • The follow the instructions to create a demo AR app
  • Use photos or images from the web to create your demos

Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review some of your Design Notebooks for this week.

Natural User Interfaces

According to Wikipedia

“…a user interface that is (1) effectively invisible, or becomes invisible with successive learned interactions, to its users, and (2) is based on nature or natural elements”


The Best Interface is No Interface

NUI in the news

Types of NUIs

NUIs (Natural User Interfaces) are generally divided into several categories:

  • Multi-touch interfaces
  • Gestural Interfaces
  • Speech Interfaces
  • Physical Object Interfaces




Microsoft’s NUI Lab


Kinect = Microsoft software + PrimeSense Hardware

PrimeSense open sourced Interface and middleware libraries

Adafruit Bounty + Josh Blake’s OpenKinect


Kinect + Processing Demo


Physical Object Sensors

      • Thread
      • Paint
      • Fruits & Veggies
      • Water
      • Playdough

MakeyMakey Demo

Touchboard Demo

Projection Mapping

The Electric Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla

Projection Mapping Tools

Choosing your implementation options

– Who’s your audience?

  • Are you providing the interface (kiosk, installation, loaner device, etc)? Or are they providing their own (cell phone, tablet, desktop, etc)?
  • Diffusion of Innovation curve
  • Gartner Hype Cycle
  • Analytics (like Google Analytics, or tallies by security staff)

– What are the characteristics of the exhibition space?

  • Wifi
  • Interference
  • Lighting

– What’s easiest, least invasive, least effort for your users (how can you make the technology “disappear”)?

– What’s simplest to implement?

– What is most maintainable/durable?

– What fits in your budget


  • Break up into 3 or 4 groups
  • Using Scratch or another program of your choice, create an interactive piece that maps the space bar, arrow keys and click events to navigating some content.
  • After you’ve created the content and mapped the keyboard events, create touch pads using tin foil or other conductive material for users to use to navigate your app
  • Hook up the MakeyMakey to test it out


Vision Document

  • Begin thinking about your project concept in earnest
  • Review the Vision Document Template and start filling out the sections based on your interests at the NJSM and with the technology trends thus far in the class
  • Come prepared next week to share your project concept in more detail

Games and Gamification

  • Read “Games and Gamification” in the NMC Horizon Report: Museum Edition 2015 pp. 38-39
  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Games & Gamification”
  • Write a brief paragraph defining gamification in your own words, and then list your favorite examples of games and gamification from the reading

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Augmented Reality), including a link to your Design Notebook.