Define Project Concepts


Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review your Design Notebooks.

Team Pages

Gather with your team & let’s take a few minutes to set up our team pages.

Once you’ve created your team page, add sections (using Heading 2’s) for the following:

  • Partner
  • Team
  • Project Concept


Identify your partner organization and include links to their website, contacts and any other partner resources.

Here are the partners:


Identify your team name, and list your team members and their roles.

Project Concept

What are the key elements of a solid project concept?

Project Concept Rubric

  • What problem(s) are you solving and what existing alternatives address it/them?
  • Who is your target audience? This could be your partners constituencies, but will also likely include your partner’s employees. Consider both.
  • What’s your solution?
  • Finally, how is your solution unique relative to other existing solutions?

Concept Presentations

What makes a good presentation?



Design Notebook (Individually)

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebooks and title it with your team’s name
  • Include a link to your team’s page on the class blog
  • Make sure your team’s Project Concept Document is linked to your team page on the blog
  • List all the members of your team and what their role will be on your team
  • Write a brief paragraph describing your specific role in more detail

Project Concept Presentations (Team)

  • Your team’s Producer will create a new Google Slide document and title it with the name your team has chosen for your project
  • Working together as a team, using the project concept rubric above, create a slide for each element of your project concept
  • Once complete, post a link to the project concept Google Slide document to your team page on the class blog – make sure you set the sharing permissions on the document so “anyone with the link can view” it
  • Next week your team will present your project concept in class
  • Each team member will present at least one slide

*Submit the link to your Design Notebook to Canvas before we meet again next week

Tasty Trenton – Partner Presentations


  • Class meeting in AIMM 102 today
  • Partners from Trenton are presenting
  • Take detailed notes!
  • Next week – Team project concepts, partner pages & elevator pitches

Partner Presentations

Partners presenting in AIMM 102. Please take detailed notes.


  • Amman Seehra – (USDA)
  • Whitney Hendrickson –
  • Brandon Ritter –
  • Paulash Banerjee –



Design Notebooks

Partner Presentations

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Partner Presentations”
  • List the partners and include a one sentence summary of each of their concerns
  • Identify which partner you find most compelling and write a short paragraph outlining why

Food Assets

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Food Assets”
  • Identify three data points from the Existing Conditions section of Food Assets that are important with respect to the partner you found most compelling
  • Write a short paragraph describing the three data points and how they relate to your chosen partner
  • Identify which type of food asset discussed in the Assets section of Food Assets is most directly related to your chosen partner’s area of concern
  • Write a brief paragraph discussing which food asset or assets your chosen partner is concerned with

*Submit the link to your Design Notebook to Canvas before we meet again next week

Hacking the Food System


Design Notebooks

Lets take a few minutes to review your food diaries.

Team Assignments

Let’s take a few minutes to group up into our teams.


Tiers of the Food System

Examples of the Tiers

Tier 0: Home & Community Gardens, Home Kitchens

Tier 1: Farmers Markets & CSAs (physical or online)

Tier 2: Food Distributors & Co-ops

Tier 3: National Chains & Distributors

Tier 4: Global Distributors


  • Break up into your teams.
  • Review the Tiers of the Food System graphic we discussed above
  • Using your food diaries, try to map your team’s food diary data onto the food tiers
  • Can you determine from which tiers most of your team’s food choices came from?

An Interconnected Food System



Design Notebook

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Hacking the Food System”
  • Identify the core problem each of the solutions you read about addresses
  • Identify where in the Nourish Food System Map each of these solutions fit
  • Identify your favorite article/video in theInnovation section and explain why it resonates for you

*Submit the link to your Design Notebook to Canvas

Intros & Syllabus


  • Welcome back!


Let take a few minutes to go around the room and introduce ourselves. When it’s your turn, share the following:

  • your name
  • your year
  • your particular area of interest(s) in Interactive Multimedia
  • outside hobbies, interests
  • what you hope to get out of this class
  • where you’re from (originally) – more on this later

Class Overview

  • What is design?
  • How do you go about “designing” something?
  • What about user-centered design?
  • Trenton
  • Food

Review Syllabus

Let’s take a little time to review the syllabus.

Food, Identity & Place


Food Empathy

Throughout the coming week(1 point for each of 5 days), keep a journal of your interactions with food, meaning what you eat, but also what groceries you buy to eat in the future, what food-related places you visit, etc.

Here’s a food diary spreadsheet you can use as a template.

You can do this directly into the spreadsheet, or on a note pad, as a voice memo, whatever is most convenient, then transfer it all to the spreadsheet before next class. Be mindful of every available aspect of your food interactions. It might be helpful to think in terms of what, where, when, who, how and why. For example:


  • What did you eat or get to eat later?
  • What type of food is it? (Food groups like vegetables, meat, etc. but also ethnic or regional categories.)


  • Is the food typically associated with a particular place? (A geographical region or perhaps a particular establishment)
  • Where was it packaged?
  • Where did it or its component ingredients come from?
  • What path did it take to arrive on your plate or in your panty/refrigerator?
  • Where did you go to eat/get this food?
  • How far away was it and how did you get there?
  • Why that place and not another place?


  • When did you eat or/get the food? (Time of day, day of the week.)
  • When was the last time you ate/got this food?
  • How often do you eat/get this food?
  • Can you remember the first time you had this food?
  • Do other occasions stand out when you had/got this food?


  • Who were you with when you ate/got this food?
  • How did the presence of those particular people impact your experience of eating/getting the food? Did they impact your choice of food, location, timing, etc?


  • Did you prepare the food yourself or go out? Maybe takeout or delivery? Eat in or drive through?
  • Any special utensils or rituals?
  • What else were you doing while you were eating, or preparing to eat?


  • Why this food and not something else?

Food Identity

In preparation for next week’s discussion, review the following videos & articles:

Design Notebook

  • In Google Drive, create a new Google Slides document and label it “Design Notebook”
  • Share your Design Notebook Document so anyone with the link can view your document
  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Food Empathy”
  • Make a link to your Food Journal and write a brief paragraph reflecting on your own observations about your journal records. Does anything stand out that surprises you?
  • Write another paragraph contrasting your eating with the food identity video/articles above. What does your food diary indicate about your food identity?

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed it, post a comment on this page, including a link to your Design Notebook.