Trenton Urban Garden Loyalty Program

Partner: ISLES Inc.

Primary Contact

Team: “The Gluten Gang”

Dan Renna – Producer: Project management, group organization, team page, primary partner communication

James Kavanagh – Content: Writing, research, documentation, organization of data

Sarah Knipp – Designer: Layout, functionality, appearance, ease of use

Malakye Otey – Developer: Programming, tech-related applications, back-end implementation of design

Project Concept


  • Isles Inc. requires a means of accurate data collection pertaining to the success rates, visitation frequency, and user volume of their community gardens. In addition, the organization seeks to raise awareness about the importance of urban farming and provide agricultural and nutritional education to the citizens of Trenton.


Research and Content

Usability Testing


Food Oasis Project Proposal

Partner: New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids

Partner Website

Team: Abby, Gabe, Perry, Usman

Project Concept:

Infographic Recipe Cards:

  • People of any culinary level can interpret and implement
  • recipes involve healthy and inexpensive ingredients
  • healthy and inexpensive final products

User Personas:

User Persona Presentation

User Flows:

User Flow Prezi 

Usability Testing Report:


Usability Testing Report:

Click Here

Final Presentation:

Breakfast Posse


James Hebditch – Producer

Nick Parr – Programmer

Chris Stehm – Content

Miranda Karetny – Designer


New Jersey Partnership For Healthy Kids – Trenton

Project Concept:

Make an arcade machine that can be placed in school lunch rooms that motivates kids to develop healthy eating decisions through an interactive gaming experience.


Kids in Trenton school systems are unhealthy because of their lack of communication in regards to how to eat healthy and access to groceries.

Project Document:

Breakfast Posse Project Document

User Research Doc:

User Personas and Stories


Project Concept Presentation

Paper Prototype:

Breakfast Posse Paper Prototype


Breakfast Posse Design Document

Breakfast Posse Implementation Document

Usability Report:

Usability Report 3/31/2016

Usability Report 4/21/2016

Final Presentation: