Diagrams and Content Maps


  • 16 days left in the Feedback phase of the Knight News Challenge
  • Midterm break next week – no class
  • Midterm grades – make sure you’re caught up with your Design Notebook & contest entry comments entries, and that your Design Notebook is shared
  • Next meeting October 19, when we’ll update our entries and team blog pages with User Personas, User Stories, Diagrams and Content Maps


Knight News Challenge Entries

Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review your Design Notebooks

Team Pages on the Class Blog

  • Group up into your teams and let’s create team pages on the blog where you will post your project deliverables for review by your Trenton Partners and classmates.

Design Briefs

  • Add a heading to your team page called “Design Brief”.
  • Let’s confirm that you can still update your entries on the Knight News Challenge platform.
  • If so, add a link to your entry on your team’s page under “Design Brief”.

User Personas & User Stories

  • Add another heading to your team’s page called “User Personas & User Stories”.

User Personas

  • Use Google Drive to create a User Personas document.
  • Together with your team, identify three example users and…
  • Create user personas for them in your new document
  • Share the document and add a link to it on your team page.

User Stories

  • Use Google Drive to create a new spreadsheet and title it “User Stories”
  • Together with your team, identify one task for each of your example users that that user would want to complete using your application
  • in your new spreadsheet, list those tasks

Diagrams and Content Maps

Why do we diagram our applications?

Diagraming Tools


  • Group up in your teams and review your Design Briefs, User Personas and User Stories.
  • For each task you identified for your example users, create a bullet pointed list of the steps each user will need to take to complete their tasks.
  • Using one of the diagraming tools above, diagram each users’ steps to complete their task.


Diagrams and Content Maps

  • Read Chapter 2, “Diagram Basics” in Communicating Design
  • Get together with you team and work through the following:
  • Identify three example users for your application and list one task each user might want to complete using your application
  • For each example user, create a bullet-pointed list of steps that each would need to follow using your team’s application to complete their task; think of it sort of like a recipe
  • Create a visual diagram for each list of steps
  • Based on your diagrams, create a basic content map (a map of screens/pages, like a site map you may have created in IMM 130); pay attention to steps that may be common to multiple users and steps that are unique to certain user types

Design Notebooks

  • Individually, create a new slide in your Design Notebook and label it “Diagrams and Content Maps”
  • Include links to your team’s User Stories, task lists, diagrams and content map

Knight News Challenge Entries

  • Continue revising your challenge entries based on the feedback your receive.
  • Post additional images and the diagrams you develop to better communicate your project concept.

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Diagrams & Content Maps), including a link to your Design Notebook.

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