Tasty Trenton – Partner Presentations


  • Class meeting in AIMM 102 today
  • Partners from Trenton are presenting
  • Take detailed notes!
  • Next week – Team project concepts, partner pages & elevator pitches

Partner Presentations

Partners presenting in AIMM 102. Please take detailed notes.


  • Amman Seehra – seehra@gmail.com (USDA)
  • Whitney Hendrickson – whendrickson@trentonymca.org
  • Brandon Ritter – britter@isles.org
  • Paulash Banerjee – paulashb@trentonsoupkitchen.org



Design Notebooks

Partner Presentations

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Partner Presentations”
  • List the partners and include a one sentence summary of each of their concerns
  • Identify which partner you find most compelling and write a short paragraph outlining why

Food Assets

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebook and title it “Food Assets”
  • Identify three data points from the Existing Conditions section of Food Assets that are important with respect to the partner you found most compelling
  • Write a short paragraph describing the three data points and how they relate to your chosen partner
  • Identify which type of food asset discussed in the Assets section of Food Assets is most directly related to your chosen partner’s area of concern
  • Write a brief paragraph discussing which food asset or assets your chosen partner is concerned with

*Submit the link to your Design Notebook to Canvas before we meet again next week

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