Project Documentation


  • 4 weeks left before final presentations

Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review some of your design notebooks.

Documenting Your Prototypes

Why document your projects?


  • allows anyone new to the project to quickly get up to speed on how things work
  • allows you to refer back to how things work
  • allows you to refer to why you made certain decisions

What should include in your documentation?

  • a description of the problem your project is addressing
  • a description of how things work
  • specific “how to” tutorials on how to install & set up the system, update content etc.
  • anything else?

What format?

  • pdf
  • wiki
  • source code


Organize into your teams and create an outline to document your project

  • What should it contain?
  • In what format should it be?

Create a list of steps the system administrator would need to follow to:

  • install the system OR
  • update the content



  • Meet up with your team and continue to refine your prototypes
  • Continue to refine your documentation by providing screenshots or other support visuals to document how to install, configure, and/or update content for your system.

Design Notebooks

  • Create a new slide in your Design Notebooks and title it “Progress for” and today’s date
  • Write a brief paragraph listing the progress your team has made this week on your prototype & its documentation
  • Write another brief paragraph describing your contribution to that progress

Submitting Your Work

This week’s homework assignment is due next week before class. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Project Documentation), including a link to your Design Notebook.

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