Paper Prototypes


  • Knight News Challenge Feedback Phase ends, Refinement Phase begins on Tuesday
  • If you have not yet done so, be sure to comment on the other teams’ entries before the feedback phase closes, I’m counting your comments for your grades
  • Next week – User Testing

Design Notebooks

Let’s review one Design Notebook from each team to see your team Diagrams & Content Maps.

Diagrams and Content Maps

Let’s take a few minutes to review your team challenge entries and class blog pages:

News Challenge Entries

Team Blog Pages

Team Pages


  • Organize into your teams and update your News Challenge Entries with your diagrams and content maps
  • After you’ve updated your challenge entry, update your team’s class blog page with links to your
  • Be sure your team’s blog page includes a “Team” section at the top with the names, email addresses & roles of your team members

Paper Prototypes

What’s a paper prototype?

Some examples

Paper Prototyping Tools

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Stickies
  • Pen/Pencil
  • POP


  • Organize into your teams
  • Using your User Personas and User Stories, pick an example user and identify a specific task they need to be able to accomplish using your solution
  • Write a a list of steps that user will need to take to complete the task
  • Create a set of drawings on paper that represent these interactions; these could be screens, or text messages, or voice menus, etc
  • Be sure to include descriptions of the specific content that will need to be present (just a description at the moment, you’ll need to develop the actual content later)


Paper Prototypes

  • Meet with your team and continue developing your paper prototypes
  • Using your User Personas and User Stories, pick two additional example users (for three total, including the one you developed in class) and identify a specific task they need to be able to accomplish using your solution
  • Write a a list of steps they’ll need to take to complete the task
  • Create a set of drawings on paper that represent their interactions; these could be screens, or text messages, or voice menus, etc
  • Be sure to include descriptions of the specific content that will need to be present (just a description at the moment, you’ll need to develop the actual content later)
  • Take pictures of your paper prototype and upload them to both your News Challenge Entry and your Team Blog Page.

News Challenge Entries

  • Update your News Challenge Entry with your Paper Prototype photos

Team Blog Pages

  • Update your Team Blog Page with your Paper Prototype photos