Mobile Apps

11:00 @ Sarnoff Study Center

Speaker: Ben Gross, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Center for Contemporary History and Policy

Review Homework

Trend: Mobile Apps

When to design for mobile?

User Context – What are they doing? Why are they accessing our content? Where are they?

Going Mobile

HTML5 (web apps) vs Native Apps HTML5 Pros & Cons

  • Pros – easier/faster to build (HTML, Javascript, CSS)
  • Cons – performance (extra app layer in there), limited access to hardware & sensors, users have to do more work getting there

Responsive Design Basics – Flexible Layout, Flexible Images & Media Queries

Example 1

Common Responsive Design Breakpoints

Bootstrap – Twitter’s ‘Mobile First’ Responsive Framework

Closing the ease of implementation/performance gap with code converters like or Titanium

Native Apps

  • Pros – performance, direct access to hardware & sensors
  • Cons – lower-level programming required, (sometimes) more expensive to implement

iOS – requires developer account, Objective C-based

Android – Open Source, Java-based

Processing & Mobile Apps


Functional Prototype Ideas

Exhibition Critiques Your first Exhibition Critique is due in three weeks on Thurs, October 2nd at 5:00pm. Here’s a template for the assignment.

Homework Assignment 3a (5 points)

  1. Read the following: (1 point)
    • Inventing the Future: The World on Display (pp 48-55)
    • Inventing the Future: The Bionic Future (pp 56-63)
  2. Create a new page in your Design Notebook with the heading “Inventing the Future III” (1 point)
  3. Look through the Collection Opening Items listingthe associated item texts and the collection bibliography. Which Collection Opening items & references relate to the chapters above? Search the bibliography sources for more information on one or more of the items. What sort of interactive experience could you create to demonstrate the items; how they work, or the context in which they were developed? Write down your thoughts in your Design Notebook & cite your references. (3 points)

Assignment 3b  (5 points, 1 point each)

  1. Read the 2012 NMC Horizon Report pp 19-22
  2. Read the AAM 2012 TrendsWatch pp 20-22
  3. Create a new page in your Design Notebook with the heading “Augmented Reality”
  4. Take a look at some of the examples of AR currently used in museums on pp 21-22 of the Horizon Report and on pp 20-21 of TrendsWatch, and write a paragraph about your favorite example.
  5. Can you find any other examples of AR “in the wild”?  Jot down a brief description & a link to what you find in your Design Notebook.

Submitting Your Work This week’s homework assignments are due by next Thurs, Sept. 18, at 5:00 pm EST. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Mobile Apps), including a link to your Design Notebook.

Studio Time Tuesday’s TED Talk – Jake Barton: The museum of you

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