Project Concepts, Teamwork & Presentation Skills


  • Next week, March 5, you’ll present your initial project concepts with your team.
  • Thurs, March 12, with your group, you’ll present your project concepts to our partner representatives from Bonner, Mediatech, the Ewing Public Library and MakerJawn
  • Midterm Papers are due Thurs, March 26
  • Group Design Briefs are due Thurs, March 26

Midterm Papers

Let’s talk about your midterm papers for a few minutes:

What’s the subject?

Starting with bare walls, design a Youth Center at a fictitious library.

When’s it due?

Thursday, March 26, right after Spring Break.

Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to share some of your Design Notebooks from last week.

Finalize Teams

Let’s continue our discussion about project ideas and finalize our teams.


  • Once you have formed your groups, take a few minutes to review the 10 Characteristics of Successful Teams, and the Design Notebook part of next week’s assignment below.
  • Make sure you all understand what needs to be done, who will do what, and how you will work together to complete the assignment. Understand and anticipate some of the natural advantages and challenges that come with team projects.
  • Watch Drew Davidson’s YouTube talk on ingredients of teams  (on YouTube); also posted on the class G+ site in case you feel like leaving a comment.

Project Concepts

Working our way around the room, each group will present a 2 minute “elevator pitch” for their project concepts.

Presentation Skills

Let’s discuss some basic presentation skills in preparation for next week.



In preparation for your mid-term papers, read the following:

Design Notebook

  1. Create a new page in your Design Notebook and title it with your team’s name (e.g. “The 3Dster’s” or whatever the focus of your project is) and today’s date. List the members of your team, including what role each will play on the team (e.g. designer, programmer, videographer, writer, researcher, content developer, etc), and include a one paragraph description of your team’s project concept.
  2. Create another page in your Design Notebook and title it with your team’s name, your role (e.g.“The 3Dster’s – Curriculum Designer”) and today’s date. Provide a one-paragraph description of what your role will be on your team.
  3. Next week, each team will present their Design Notebooks together as one. Combine all of your slides into one “team” presentation, nominate one team “spokesperson” to present slide 1, and then cycle through the team, with each team member presenting their own ‘role’ slide.
  4. Practice your Project Concept presentation together as a team before class next week!

*Assignments are due before class begins on Thursdays. Be prepared to present your work in class for discussion.

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