Revise Prototypes


  • This week, 4/30 – Revise Prototypes
  • Next week, 5/7 – Finalize prototypes & prep for final presentations
  • MediaTech Internships this Summer
  • IMM/Bonner Internships for Fall

Design Notebooks

Let’s take a few minutes to review some of your Design Notebooks from last week.

Prototype Development

Break up into your teams and continue refining your prototypes based on the feedback you received last week.


Delivery Plan

  • Meet with your group and discuss what the Ewing Branch will need in order to move forward with your prototype.
  • What equipment, materials, URLs, usernames & passwords will they need?
  • Write a one or two page “cheat sheet” that includes a list of these items.
  • Be prepared to package up this and the rest of your project deliverables next week in class.

Project Pages

  • Update your Project Page on the class blog, including a link to your Delivery Plan.

Design Notebooks

  • Create a final page in your Design Notebook and title it “Delivery Plan”.
  • Write a brief summary of your Delivery Plan and include a link to the document.

*Assignments are due before class begins on Thursdays. Be prepared to present your work in class for discussion.

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