Week 5

Weekly Assignments

  • Daily Drift
  • Weekly Wandering
  • Reflection
  • To Review
  • Notes
  • Classmate Feedback

Team Inky State of Your Field Presentations

Present the information you’ve gathered about the State of the Field you’ve chosen for your Thesis project.

Review this Week’s Reading

Assignments for Week 5

  • “Customers as Innovators” from The Innovator’s Cookbook
  • “The Slow Hunch” from Where Good Ideas Come From

Weekly Assignments

  • Daily Drift – Google Drive doc, 300 words daily, stream of consciousness to kick start your creativity (share link with me only)
  • Weekly Wandering – take a walk, go running, whatever, capture your thoughts in words, pictures, sketches, music, video – whatever helps you express your thoughts, Google Drive doc (share link on Google Community).
  • Reflection – at the end of the week, reflect on everything you’ve gathered & pondered. Write 300 or more words in a Google doc trying to organize it into a cohesive whole (share link on Google Community).
  • To Review – a list of links in a Google Drive spreadsheet; videos, books, films, etc, you’d like to review later (share link on Google Community)
  • Notes – notes in a Google Drive doc on your ‘To Review’ materials for the week (share link on Google Community)
  • Classmate Feedback – comment on 2 or more classmates’ posts to our class Google Community

One-Time Assignments

State of the Field – 3 points for presentation; 3 for write-up
Everyone should post your written State of The Field assignments to the Google Community before our next meeting on 10/6.

Leaders in the Field – 3 points for presentation; 3 for write-up
Identify three of the leading practitioners in your chosen field. Research their background… what personal, academic and professional path led to their success? Research their approach to work… where do they get inspiration? What is their daily routine? Finally, research how they present their work… in what venues or through what channels? Are they members of particular professional organizations? What sort of awards or recognition have they received?

If your chosen practitioners are on Twitter and/or Google+, follow them. If they have a blog, subscribe to it. If they have some other kind of web site, bookmark it. Tell the class how you keep up with these people and their work.

Members of Team Blinky will present their research on October 6. Use web sites, videos, images or any other media to help describe the people and their work. Refer to these additional guidelines for an effective presentation.

Everyone must write up his or her research as a Google Doc, posted to the “Leaders in the Field” category on the Google Community, before class on October 20. This text will inform your upcoming formal project proposal. You’ll be graded not only on the thoroughness of your research, but on how effectively you present your ideas in writing. Use headings or other formatting to lend clarity and organization to your document, and keep these guidelines in mind. Your Google Doc should be at least 700 words.

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