Thesis Proposal Template
Let’s review the general outline of your Capstone Thesis Proposal.
Initial Thesis Proposal Components
Project Overview
- What’s your idea?
Project Background
- What inspired your idea? Draw from your Manifesto, History of the Field, State of the Field, Leaders of the Field & Future of the Field assignments.
Target Audience
The Lean Canvas Single Page Business Model
- Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas (SIngle Page Business Model)
- For more info on Ash’s take on the canvas, see this article
Team Inky Future of the Field Presentations
Present the information you’ve gathered about the Future of the Field you’ve chosen for your Thesis project.
Assignments for Week 8
- “A Template for Writing Great User Personas”
- “How To Write Meaningful User Stories”
- “How To Document Your Business Model On 1 Page”
One-Time Assignments
Future of the Field – 3 points for presentation; 3 for write-up
Everyone should post your written Future of the Field assignments to the Google Community before Monday 10/27.
Initial Project Proposal – 10 points for presentation; 10 for write-up
Describe your initial ideas for your capstone project. Your Initial Proposal should include three sections: a Project Overview section , a Project Background Section, and a Target Audience section.
The Project Overview is a high level description of the project you’d like to develop for your Senior Thesis.
The Project Background section should be a summary drawing from your Personal Manifesto, History of the Field, State of the Field, Leaders of the Field & Future of the Field assignments. It should describe the environment into which your project will fit, and how it will affect the future of your field of interest.
The Target Audience section should be a description of the user groups you are creating for, and specifically which of needs your project will be fulfilling. Your description should be a summary of your User Personas and User Stories. Create at least three User Personas representing the different groups your project will target. Create a spreadsheet listing at least three user stories for each of the user groups you identified.
Team Blinky will present their Initial Proposals on Monday, 11/3, and Team Inky will present on 11/10. All students will submit their written Initial Proposals before 11/10.