Augmented Reality & the Internet of Things


  • Sarnoff Innovation Lectures
  • Additional resources from Ben Gross:
    1. Radio Age Archive:  This website contains PDF versions of RCA’s in-house publicity magazine from 1942 through 1957. It is especially useful to see what technical or commercial accomplishments the company wished to publicize and the marketing strategies it used.
    2. RCA Engineer online index: This online database contains articles from 30 years of RCA Engineer, a technical magazine circulated among RCA’s various operating divisions. Its articles are more technical, but often contain useful biographical information about their authors.
    3. CED Magic:  The definitive website about the RCA VideoDisc system.  In addition to materials about RCA’s various home video projects and a full catalog of VideoDisc titles, it also boasts a “Who’s Who in VideoDisc” section that draws upon internal company biographies.
    4. Lots of commercials & films on Youtube and the Internet Archive
  • The New Jersey State Museum visit is next week! We’ll meet here at 9:30 and drive over
    • Need cell phone numbers for field trip form

Homework Discussion

What was your favorite example of Augmented Reality from the reading this week? What examples did you find “in the wild”?

Guest Speaker

John Kuiphoff – IMM Professor, developer & designer, specializing in web development, interactive art and physical computing

Trend: Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality Could Save Your Life

What is Augmented Reality?

Reality ———-> AR ———-> Virtual Reality


  • Feature Recognition – markers, QR codes, images, colors, etc.
  • Positioning Data – location, orientation
  • What kinds of devices have cameras, GPS & accelerometers?

Augmented Reality & the Web

WC3 Augmented Reality Group

Why use it in Museums?

  • In exhibition space – provide additional levels of interpretation
  • Outside the exhibition space – extend exhibition reach and provide additional levels of interpretation for digital/print exhibit media

Augmented Reality with HTML5

Libraries for Native Apps

Alternative Apps & SDKs


More Background on AR

IMM Digital Tour Exercise

  1. Divide into three groups representing three tracks at IMM
  2. Log into the class blog and create a post for your track
  3. Go to and create QR Codes for your track page
  4. Cut out & place QRCodes around AIMM building
  5. Take it for a test drive and suggest how it could be made better

Trend: Internet of Things (IoT)

According to Wikipedia:

The Internet of Things refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an internet-like structure.”

The idea is that objects can be directly connected to the internet, transmitting or receiving data, or be tagged in such a way to have digital representations of the objects be accessible over the internet. And, increasingly, much of that IoT traffic is M2M.

History –

Roadmap –

More info on IoT –

How do we connect everyday objects to the internet?


The Internet of Things is about sensors and networks

The Internet is the network of networks


How do we connect sensors to networks?

Wireless networks:


  • rangle: ~ 150′ indoors, 300′ outdoors
  • topology: Hub, typically connected to internet
  • bandwidth: high
  • speed: high
  • energy consumption: high
  • platforms: Most smartphones & micro-controllers
  • examples: – Processing w/Ketai library

But a lot of the value of connected objects is local


Bluetooth Low Energy



QR Codes

Choosing your implementation options

– Who’s your audience?

– What are the characteristics of the exhibition space?

  • Wifi
  • Interference
  • Lighting

– What’s easiest, least invasive, least effort for your users (how can you make the technology “disappear”)?

– What’s simplest to implement?

– What is most maintainable/durable?

– What fits in your budget?

Functional Prototype Ideas

  • Interactive Guide to the Vacuum Tube Carousel
  • Electron Microscope Simulation
  • Interviews with retired RCA researchers
  • Integration of collection objects not displayed on the exhibition floor

Homework Assignment 4a (5 points)

  1. Read the following: (1 point)
    • Inventing the Future: Extending the Power of Sight (pp 64-73)
    • Inventing the Future: Transmitting Intelligence (pp 74-83)
  2. Create a new page in your Design Notebook with the heading “Inventing the Future IV” (1 point)
  3. Look through the Collection Opening Items listingthe associated item texts and the collection bibliography. Which Collection Opening items & references relate to the chapters above? Search the bibliography sources for more information on one or more of the items. What sort of interactive experience could you create to demonstrate the items; how they work, or the context in which they were developed? Write down your thoughts in your Design Notebook & cite your references. (3 points)

Assignment 4b  (5 points, 1 point each)

  1. Read the 2012 NMC Horizon Report pp 27-30
  2. Read the AAM 2013 TrendsWatch pp 24-29
  3. Create a new page in your Design Notebook with the heading “Internet of Things”
  4. Take a look at some of the examples of internet addressable objects currently used in museums on pp 27-30 of the Horizon Report and on pp 24-29 of TrendsWatch, and write a paragraph about your favorite example.
  5. Can you find any other examples of the “Internet of Things” being used “in the wild”?  Jot down a brief description & a link to what you find in your Design Notebook.

Submitting Your Work This week’s homework assignments are due by next Wed, Sept. 25, at 5:00 pm EST. When you’ve completed them, post a comment on this page (Augmented Reality), including a link to your Design Notebook.

Exhibition Critiques Your first Exhibition Critique is due in 2 weeks on October 3rd. Here’s the template for the assignment.

Studio Time

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