Initial Project Ideas


  • Tim Wisniewski, Chief Data Officer of the City of Philadelphia speaking at this week’s Brown Bag Lunch, Friday 12:30-1:30
  • Next week you’ll present your initial Project Ideas with your team
  • Also need to start thinking about your Mid-term papers, more on this next week

Design Notebooks

Let’s work our way around the room and talk about your ideas for projects.

Project Ideas

  • Projects to facilitate consuming media
  • Projects to facilitate creating new media
  • Projects that do both

Partner Organizations

  • Ewing Branch of the Mercer County Public Library
    • Needs help engaging teens and young adults in the Teen Center
      • Create a YouTube Channel and videos to promote the Summer Reading Program
      • Prototype a 3D printing workshop session
      • Prototype a workshop where kids can create vinyl stickers of their favorite characters from books in the library
      • Create a Social App for Middle Schoolers to find volunteer High Schoolers to help them with their homework
      • Create a Video Game to teach kids/teens how to use the library’s resources
      • Create a Scavenger Hunt App that promotes a new group of books each month – what about badges?
      • How about a fully immersive video of some aspect of the history of the community the library serves on Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard?
  • The Free Library of Philadelphia
    • Any new workshop ideas for Brandon? Prototype a new session or curriculum for him to try out in the branches.
  • MediaTech & The Free Library of Flemington
    • How could you improve the experience at MediaTech?

More Ideas

Idea List Generated in Class

Here’s the list of ideas from the Design Notebooks this week.


Working as a Team

Let’s go around the room and identify what we think are characteristics of a good team. I’ll create a Google doc to take notes.

Now let’s compare our list with the 10 Characteristics of Successful Teams.

Break Up Into Teams

  1. First of all, let’s split up by class section.
  2. Now, based on whether you’d like to develop a new approach to consuming media and information, or creating new forms of media/information, let’s split each class section into two groups.
  3. From there, based on your project ideas, let’s divide up further as necessary. We want to end up with 3 or 4 teams per class section.
  4. When dividing up into teams, remember that successful teams are diverse – you should have a range of skill sets represented on your team.



Review Project Ideas

Design Notebook

  1. Create a new page in your Design Notebook and title it “Teamwork” and today’s date.
  2. In your own words, define what “teamwork” means to you.
  3. Create another page in your Design Notebook and title it “Teammate”.
  4. Make a list of characteristics you would expect from a good teammate. Write a paragraph about how you can best contribute as a teammate on a project in this class.

*Assignments are due before class begins on Thursdays. Be prepared to present your work in class for discussion.

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