Introductions & Syllabus


Introduce ourselves, including skill sets and interests.


Review Syllabus


The state of Libraries today. Book Museums or BiblioTechs?



Create a Google Presentation on Google Drive and name it “Design Notebook”.



  • Create a page in your Design Notebook and label it “Libraries are so…” along with today’s date. When was the last time you visited a public library? Describe your experience. How did that library compare to the library described in chapter 1 of Tech Enhanced Public Libraries, Chapter 1?
  • Create a second page in your Design Notebook, labelling it “What do books have to do with it” and today’s date. Discuss the depiction of the future of libraries in The Future of Libraries has Little to do with BooksWhat trends would you like to see implemented in your local library? Which wouldn’t be all that important to you?
  • Here’s an example presentation to get your started.
  • Be sure to share your Google Presentation and post a link to it as a comment to this blog post below.

*Assignments are due before class begins on Thursdays. Be prepared to present your work in class for discussion.

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